Land Rover Our Planet
CLIENT: Land Rover Dir: Gary Holder Animation Dir: Ben Adam-Harris After the success of ‘Make A Difference’ Land Rover wanted to update their environmental mission statement using the same style but this time there were only two of us. It was just before my daughter was due to be born and at the same time I was also working on the Jaguar C-X75 project. So it was a mad few weeks but the results work well.
Client: Land Rover
Prod Co: Tangerine Films
Dir: Gary Holder
Animation Dir: Ben Adam-Harris
After the success of ‘Make A Difference’ Land Rover wanted to update their environmental mission statement using the same style but this time there were only two of us. It was just before my daughter was due to be born and at the same time I was also working on the Jaguar C-X75 project. So it was a mad few weeks but the results work well.
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