Kinder Surprise 'Looney Tunes' TV Commercial
I was asked to direct two Kinder Commercial tags. This is the first of the two - featuring the characters from Looney Tunes. The difficulty with this brief was that the characters couldn't be animated beyond what the toys could achieve so we used a combination of techniques to achieve these results, from stop-motion to live action on green screen. Director: Ben Adam-Harris Producer: Laurence Glover Production Company: Glover Films Agency: Krow Communications Creative: Tara Button Agency Producer: Sam Myers
I was asked to direct two Kinder Commercial tags. This is the first of the two - featuring the characters from Looney Tunes. The difficulty with this brief was that the characters couldn't be animated beyond what the toys could achieve so we used a combination of techniques to achieve these results, from stop-motion to live action on green screen.
Director: Ben Adam-Harris
Producer: Laurence Glover
Production Company: Glover Films
Agency: Krow Communications
Creative: Tara Button
Agency Producer: Sam Myers
Agency Producer: Sam Myers
Selected images

Set one with Tony the DOP, Casey 1st AD and Jonathon (Camera Assistant)

Tim Allen working his magic on Set 2 of the Kinder Surprise shoot.